All Document Reader office 360 : Files opener or Reader, Office Viewer, allow you to view or read all document format files eg. word, excel, pdf, PowerPoint, Text, XML or HTML on your mobile. This document reader app was designed to easily open, view, and read all docs. formats in your phone such as pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlxs, ppt, txt, XML,HTML etc.You can use this app. for opening and reading various documents in work, study, or in daily life, such as viewing documents of quotations from customers, receipts, documents of life insurance contracts. or health insurance or financial documents This document viewer app will make it easy for you to work from home.Features of all document reader office 360document reader, all files reader and viewer.word file opener/reader, read your docx files.pdf viewer, read and creator.text files open/reader/all txt format files.xls,xlsx or spreadsheet opener/viewer.ppt file reader, easy to read powerpoint file.Set password for important pdf doc that you created.Document files managerAll document reader applications support many document formats such as doc,xls,ppt,pdf,txt,xml ect.Easy to manage all document files in each document category. you can search and organize your document file easily.sorting: by name, type, date & size.pdf viewer or ebook read.easy and fast to open and view pdf files in your phone from all pdf files other by page viewer or continuous reader by scrolling mode.easily to read and share or send pdf files to anyone you want.pdf converter, pdf creator.Convert images to pdf.Convert, text, doc, excel to pdf.Convert ppt to pdf easily.xls, xlsx file reader spreadsheet or sheet viewer.quickly open and read all excel or all xls, xlsx format.easy to convert sheet file to pdf. ppt files and read your presentation or powerpoint file.don’t miss your important presentation by using the ppt file reader.word file reader- read your docx filessimple to open your doc, docs, and docx filesread your word or document file and convert to pdf.You wont miss important business because you can read all types of documents easily on your phone just by using all document reader office 360 app.